Value |
Category |
701 |
road: construction |
702 |
road: maintenance |
703 |
bridge: construction |
704 |
bridge: maintenance |
705 |
primary school: construction |
706 |
primary school: maintenance/improvement |
707 |
secondary school: construction |
708 |
secondary school: maintenance/improvement |
709 |
health center/clinic/dispensary: construction |
710 |
health center/clinic/dispensary: maintenance/improvement |
711 |
piped water/boreholes/wells: construction |
712 |
piped water/boreholes/wells: maintenance/improvement |
713 |
public transportation: initiation/improvement |
714 |
agricultural/fishery/ livestock extension services |
715 |
other (specify) |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.