Interviewer instructions
NOTE 1: Housekeeping activities/household chores are personal services of a domestic nature provided by unpaid household child members in their own parents', grandparents/guardians' or spouse's household, and as such, are considered as non-economic which, therefore, are outside the production boundary of the System of National Accounts (SNA, Rev.3, 1993). They include preparing and serving meals; making, mending, washing and pressing clothes; shopping; caring for siblings or sick and infirm persons in the household; cleaning and maintaining of the household dwelling; using, cleaning, serving and repairing household durable; transporting of household members or their goods; ...
NOTE 2: Children 5-17 years old who were idle/did not do anything during last week: (i.e., not attending school/training institution, not engaged in economic or non-economic activities (including housekeeping or household chores in own parents' or guardians' or spouse's home))
Question post text
If the answer is 3 go to question 803 or 4 go to question 804