Literal question
[Questions 6 to 26 were asked of persons who lived in occupied private dwelling and were present at the time of enumeration, per Questions 4 and 5.]
16. What type of fuel or energy is principally used for cooking?
[] 1 Wood
[] 2 Bird dung, other manure
[] 3 Kerosene
[] 4 Gas (tank or piped)
[] 5 Electricity
[] 6 Other
[] 7 Don't use any
Interviewer instructions
Chapter C. Characteristics of dwellings with inhabitants who are present
Question 16. What type of fuel or energy is principally used for cooking?
For example:
Mr. Villa: Gas and electricity are used for cooking in this house.
Enumerator: Which of the two is used most?
Mr. Villa: Gas, because it is more economical.
The form is filled out in this way:
[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form with appropriate ovals filled in.]
[p. 55]
The option "does not use" means that the persons comprising this household do not cook their food in this dwelling.