Block - 4 - fixed assets : The file contains Fixed Assets details.
Fixed assets are those, which have generally normal productive life of more than one year;
it covers all type of assets, new or used or own constructed, deployed for productions, transportation, living or recreational facilities, hospitals, schools, etc. for factory personnel;
it would include land, building, plant and machinery, transport equipment, etc.;
it includes the fixed assets of the head office allocable to the factory and also the full value of assets taken on hire-purchase basis (whether fully paid or not) excluding interest element;
it excludes intangible assets and assets solely used for post-manufacturing activities such as, sale, storage, distribution, etc.
Fields in this blocks are:
Common information in aoll the blocks : Industry,Running Sl. No.,State, Scheme,Record Category.
Sub-Record Code,
Item number of the type of assets,
Gross value : Opening as on, due to revaluation, actual addition, deduction & adjustment during the year and Closing as on.
Depreciation: upto year begining, provided during the year, adjustments during the year and upto year end
Net Value: opening as on, closing as on.
Record type 040 (RC040)
Variables: | 17 |