Interviewer instructions
Columns 14 to 16: Information in these three columns will be collected in the following ways:
i) if a person is a worker either only in the usual principal activity status (i.e., if entry in column 3 is any of 11-51 and entry is 'x' in column 4) or in subsidiary economic activity status (i.e., if entry in column 3 is any of 81-97 and entry is any of 11 to 51 in column 4), information in columns 14 to 16 will relate to the activity performed either in usual principal activity status or in subsidiary economic activity status, as the case may be.
ii) if a person is a worker in both usual principal status and subsidiary activity status (i.e., if entry in column 3 is any of 11 to51 and entry is any of 11 to 51 in column 4), the information will relate to the activity performed in the usual principal activity status.
Column (15): Whether a member of union/association: If the respondent reports that a union/association exists in his/her activity, i.e, if entry is 1 in column (14), it is to be ascertained if he/she is a member of that union/association. If the household member is a member of that union/association, code 1 will be recorded, otherwise code will be 2.