Interviewer instructions
Column (7): Approximate no. of months without work: In column (7), the number of months a person was without work will be recorded. The months without work need not be continuous. It is quite possible that a person was without any work for a couple of months, then in employment for some months and again out of work for a couple of months. The 'approximate number of months without work' will include the months in which a person was unemployed and also the months in which he/she was out of labour force, i.e., neither seeking/ available for work. For a month if the period without work is reported to be less than 30 days but 15 days or more, it should be recorded as 1 month without work. Situation is to be assessed for all the months separately to get number of months without work during the reference year. Note that some of those, who have reported to have worked more or less regularly during the reference year, i.e., code 1 in column (6), may be found to be without work for some months, after deep probing. For such persons also, number of months without work will be recorded in column (7) and entry in col. (6) should not be changed.