Interviewer instructions
Columns (14) and (15): Columns (14) and (15) will be used to record whether registered in any MGNREG job card and whether worked in MGNREG works during last 365 days. These two columns will be used for household members of age 18 years and above in rural households with MGNREG job card. This is in relation to the information on whether the household has MGNREG job card as specified in Block 3, item 10.
Column (15): Whether worked in MGNREG works during last 365 days: In this column, for each household member of age 18 years and above who have their names registered in a job card (i.e., with entry 1 in column 14), situation will be determined with a reference period of last 365 days in respect of whether got work in MGNREG work for at least one day or sought but did not get work and did not seek work, and accordingly the entry will be made in terms of the following codes.
Code 1 will be recorded in respect of those household members who have worked for at least one day in MGNREG works during last 365 days. Code 2 will be recorded for those who sought but did not get work(*1) during the last 365 days. Code 3 will be applicable for those household members who did not seek work during the last 365 days.
(*1) As per Operational Guidelines (2008) of MGNREGA (Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India), application for work should generally be submitted to the Gram Panchayat. In addition, as prescribed by the Act, workers should have the option of submitting an application directly to the Programme Officer, but this should be treated as 'fallback' option only. Applications should be given in writing and should include: the registration number of the job card, the date from which employment is required and the number of days of employment required.