Value |
Category |
101 |
paddy ps |
102 |
paddy sais int |
103 |
paddy deux sais |
104 |
paddy tavy |
105 |
paddy ppluvial |
106 |
111 |
riz blanc ppal sais |
112 |
riz blanc sa1s int |
113 |
riz blanc deux sais |
114 |
riz blanc tavy |
115 |
riz blanc pluvial |
116 |
farine de riz |
201 |
Mais grains sec |
202 |
mais epi secs |
203 |
mais decortique |
204 |
mais epi frais |
210 |
ble |
211 |
farine de ble |
220 |
orge |
230 |
avoine |
301 |
manioc sec |
302 |
manioc frais |
303 |
farine de manioc |
305 |
310 |
pomme de terre |
320 |
patate douce |
330 |
taro |
340 |
oviala |
350 |
autres racines tubercules |
401 |
Arachide en coque |
402 |
arachide en graines |
403 |
huiles d'arachides |
404 |
tourteaux |
410 |
haricot blanc sec |
411 |
haricot blanc frais |
412 |
420 |
haricot non blanc sec |
421 |
haricot non blanc frais |
430 |
soja\ |
440 |
Vomajobory maina |
441 |
voanjobory lena |
450 |
kabaro |
460 |
Lentilles |
470 |
Voanemba |
501 |
Petits oids secs |
502 |
petits poids frais |
510 |
oignon |
511 |
ail |
512 |
poireaux |
520 |
tomates |
530 |
Carotte |
531 |
navet |
540 |
Choux vertt-rouge |
541 |
chou fleur |
550 |
Courge |
551 |
Courgette |
552 |
concombre |
553 |
sosety |
560 |
Brede |
561 |
570 |
Salade |
580 |
Piment pil0 |
581 |
sakay be |
582 |
poivron |
590 |
autres legumes |
600 |
ananas |
601 |
ampalibe |
602 |
avocat |
603 |
banane |
604 |
Citron |
605 |
Coeur de boeuf |
606 |
corossol |
607 |
fraises |
608 |
goyave |
609 |
grenadelle |
610 |
kakis |
611 |
letchis |
612 |
mandarine |
613 |
mangue |
614 |
mokonazy |
615 |
orange |
616 |
papaye |
617 |
peches |
618 |
poires |
619 |
pommes |
620 |
raisins |
621 |
soanambo |
622 |
tamarin |
623 |
vontaka |
624 |
autres fruits |
700 |
cacao |
701 |
canne a sucre |
702 |
coco |
703 |
coton |
704 |
gingembre |
705 |
palmier |
706 |
raphia |
707 |
sisal |
708 |
tabac |
800 |
café |
801 |
canelle |
802 |
girofle |
803 |
poivre |
804 |
vanille |
805 |
autres cultures d`importation |
Sysmiss |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.