Interviewer instructions
10.1 Fees and subscriptions
- Include: fees and subscriptions which are of a fixed amount and which are paid either annually, or at a fixed interval such as per term, month etc., or for a specific course of lessons. Examples include golf club subs, music lessons, exam fees, social club sub etc.
- Subscriptions levied by sports / leisure clubs or societies: include all subscriptions by clubs or leisure groups or societies such as associations, institutes and welfare groups.
- Education fees: do not include fees (or parts of fees) that were paid directly to the education provider as part of a bursary or scholarship. Include expenditures made by household members only.
- School fees: if fees were paid on a term or semester basis, make sure the expenditure amount entered is for the last 12 months.
- Regular contributions to religious and other organisations: include regular payments only, not expenditures like weekly church donations.
- Regular child care: include set fees charged by care providers, crèches, kindergartens, pre-schools or play centres for child care undertaken on a regular basis.
- Bingo, housie, raffles, and lotto: do not discount winnings.