Interviewer instructions
5.2 Payments for construction
- Include: payments made by the household directly to a second party such as a local builder, contractor, plumber etc.
- Site preparation: include work such as excavating, rock and shrub removal, tree felling, access road, installation of utilities. If the work was done on a contract basis (i.e. part of the overall cost) include in payments to builders and trades people.
- Contract payments to builder: record all contract payments made.
- Materials: materials purchased by the household to be used in the basic construction of the building. Traditional materials include things such as thatch roof materials, local woods, bamboo etc.
- etc. Non-traditional materials include concrete, timber, corrugated iron, etc.
- Other: record only the costs (if any) which related to the basic construction of the dwelling rather than to the fitting out and decoration of the dwelling which should be entered in question 6.1.