Value |
Category |
0 |
No religion |
1 |
Buddhist |
2 |
Chinese |
10 |
Adventist |
11 |
Assemblée de Dieu |
12 |
Bahai |
13 |
Christian |
14 |
Christian Tamil |
15 |
Church of England |
16 |
Evangelic |
17 |
Mission Salut et Guérison |
18 |
Pentecotiste Church |
19 |
Presbyterian (Church of Scotland) |
20 |
Roman Catholic |
21 |
Témoin de Jehovah |
22 |
Other Christian |
30 |
Ahir |
31 |
Aryan |
32 |
Arya Samajist |
33 |
Arya Samajist, Hindi speaking |
34 |
Arya Samajist, other |
35 |
Bengali |
36 |
Baboojee |
37 |
Hindu |
38 |
Kabir Panthis |
39 |
Marathi & Marathi Hindu |
40 |
Puranic |
41 |
Rabidass |
42 |
Rajput |
43 |
Ravived |
44 |
Sanatanist |
45 |
Sanatanist, Hindi speaking |
46 |
Sanatanist, Marathi speaking |
47 |
Sanatanist, Tamil speaking |
48 |
Sanatanist, Telegu speaking |
49 |
Sanatanist, Other |
50 |
Tamil and Tamil Hindu |
51 |
Telegu and Telegu Hindu |
52 |
Vaish |
53 |
Vedic |
54 |
Other Hindu |
60 |
Admadhya |
61 |
Islam |
62 |
Mohamedan |
63 |
Muslim |
64 |
Other Muslim |
70 |
Other |
99 |
Not Stated |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.