Value |
Category |
12*10 (Envelope) |
African Violet |
Air Mail Cover |
Anthurium |
Baby Suit |
Bag |
Bag Small |
Bed Sheet |
Bedsheet |
Blouse |
Boganvilla |
Buffet |
Cake |
Children wear |
Children's Wear |
Dambala |
Dressing |
Drinks |
Earthenware |
Egg |
Facial |
Folscap |
Frock |
Frocks |
Gaffi |
Green Gram |
Halapa |
Kaha |
Kaha kudu |
Kawum |
King Coconut |
Lamp |
Lawariya |
Letter Cover 3 1/3 |
Letter Cover 3*3 1/2 |
Milk Rice |
Murukku |
Noodles |
Oil |
Other Foods |
Pageboys Kit |
Pahan Thira |
Patis |
Peper Powder |
Pittu |
Pot |
Prawn |
Prawn Wade |
Rent Dress |
Ribbern Emboiders |
Rose |
Roti |
Rottee |
Salware |
Saree Desinging |
School Uniform |
Shaddock |
Shanpoo |
Skirt |
Skrit |
Small Trauser |
Soap |
Soya Milk |
Sri Shantha |
String Hopers |
String hoppers |
Sugar |
Suger |
T shirt Large |
T- Shirt |
Tea |
Termeric |
Uduwal |
Under Skirt |
Under Wear |
Under wear |
Wandu |
bag(meadium) |
bedsheet |
blouse,skirt |
bread |
bulath thattu |
cabbage |
carpets |
cheeththa |
children's textiles |
cokkis |
curry powder |
elder's Cloths |
flour |
honey hoppers |
kewum |
pillow case |
rice |
ring |
saree jacket |
sarong |
skirt -children's |
snakegourd |
string hoppers |
suger |
trouser |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.