Literal question
In the last 12 months, has any household member had any expenses related to any off-island trips, excluding business trips?
1. Yes
2. No
Interviewer instructions
This block of questions concerns off-island travel during the 12 months before the survey. Record only personal travel.
If anyone in the household traveled outside FSM during the last 12 months for personal reasons (that is, NOT for the government or for business purposes), and the household members had any personal expenses, record "1" for "Yes." If no one in the house traveled during the last 12 months, record "2" for "No."
Question post text
*Note that HH stands for "household member" and Non-HH for "non-household member". So, if the travel was for a household member circle the HH entry; if the travel was for a non-household member - someone not living in the household - circle the NHH.