Literal question
19b. Could ... have taken a job LAST WEEK if one had been offered?
1. No, already has a job
2. No, temporarily ill
3. No, other reasons (in school,etc.)
4. Yes could have taken a job
Interviewer instructions
"...last week": The time period covered is the full calendar week, Sunday through Saturday, preceding the date the census questionnaire is completed.
Write "1" for "No, already has a job" if the person was on layoff or was to report to a job within 30 days. If there was another reason why the person could not take a job last week, do not write "1", but write the number of the appropriate response.
Write "2" for "No, temporarily ill" for persons who were temporarily ill, so could not have taken a job. Write "2" only if the illness is expected to last less than 31 days; for longer illnesses, write "3" for "No, other reasons (in school, etc.)."
Write "4" for "yes, could have taken a job" if the person could have taken a job.
Question post text
If "No," ask - For what reason?