Literal question
12. Has ... ever been on active-duty military service in the Armed Forces of the United States or ever been in the United States military Reserves or the National Guard?
1. Yes, now on active duty
2. Yes, on active duty in past, but not now
3. Yes, service in Reserves or National Guard only
4. No
Interviewer instructions
Ask Question 12 on military service only to people 15 years and over, those born before April 1, 1990. Do not ask this question, or any of the subsequent questions to people less than 15 years old.
Active duty personnel are those currently in the Armed Forces either because they enlisted or because they were previously Reserves or on National Guard duty and were activated because of the wars in Afghanistan or Iraq.
Active duty in the past includes people were in the Armed Forces in the past. These military service personnel do not include people who were in the Reserves or the National Guard who did not see active duty.
Reserves or National Guard include people who are currently in the Reserves or National Guard but are not currently on Active Duty
No is to be recorded for all other people 15 years and over - those who are not on Active Duty now, were not on Active Duty in the past, and are not currently in the Reserves or National Guard.
Question post text
"Active duty" does NOT include training for the military Reserves or National Guard.