Literal question
11a. Did ... live in this house or apartment 5 years ago (on June 1, 2000)?
1. Born after June 1, 2000
2. Yes
3. No
Interviewer instructions
a. If the person is under 5 years old, write 1 for "Born after April 1, 2000." Then turn to the next page for the next person.
b. Write 2 for "Yes" if the person lived in this same house or apartment on April 1, 2000, even if he or she moved away and came back between then and now. Then go to question 15a.
c. Write 2 for "Yes" if the person is living in an institution and was a resident of the same institution 5 years earlier even if he or she was in a different room or building. Then go to question 15a.
d. Write 2 for "Yes" if the person lived in a different mobile home in the same location within the same mobile home park. Then go to question 15a.
e. Write 3 for "No" if the person lived in the same mobile home but at a different location in that mobile home park or in a different mobile home park.
f. Write 3 for "No" if the person did not live in the same house or apartment on April 1, 2000.
Question post text
If answer is 1 (born after June 1, 2000) - Go to questions for next person
If answer is 2 (Yes) - skip to 11c