Interviewer instructions
1. Code “1”, if the person was born in FSM.
2. If the person is a Naturalized FSM citizen, record "2".
3. If the person was born in the United States, Puerto Rico, CNMI, American Samoa, or Guam, record "3" for "Yes, born in the United States or other US territory."
4. If the person was born abroad of a US parent or parents or Naturalized US, so is a US citizen, record 4.
5. Record "5" for "No, not citizen/national (permanent residence)" if the person is not a citizen, but is residing permanently in FSM - regardless of actual legal status.
6. Record "6" for "No, not citizen/national (temporary residence)" if the person is not a citizen, but is residing only temporarily in FSM and intends to return to the previous or another country of residence.