Interviewer instructions
Complete this item for all occupied housing units selected for your assignment. Circle only one answer for this question.
These questions have to do with the fuel used for cooking. Question H18 has to do with general cooking activities, and question H19 has to do, specifically, with microwave oven. If the household does not have electricity, the answer for H19 will always be No.
1. Circle 1 for "Electric range" when an electric range is used.
2. Circle 2 for "Gas stove" when a gas stove is used.
3. Circle 3 for "Kerosene stove" when a kerosene stove is used.
4. Circle 4 for "Electricity and gas” when both electricity and gas are used.
5. Circle 5 for "Electricity and kerosene" when both electricity and kerosene stove are used.
6 Circle 6 for “Gas and kerosene” when both gas and kerosene stove are used.
7. Circle 7 for “Wood” when only a wood stove is used.
8 Circle 8 for “Other” when any other type of cooking facilities not listed above is used.
9. Circle 9 if “No fuel is used”