Literal question
H14 do you have a flush toilet?
1. Yes, in this unit
2. Yes, in this building
3. Yes, outside this building
4. No, ventilated outhouse/privy
5. Other or none
Interviewer instructions
Complete this item for all occupied housing units selected for your assignment. Circle only one answer for this question.
A flush toilet is connected to piped water. If the respondent reports a flush toilet and also another type of toilet, report only the flush toilet.
1. Circle 1 for "Yes, in this unit" if the flush toilet is inside the house or apartment being enumerated.
2. Circle 2 for "Yes, in this building" if there is flush toilet available inside the building but not in the unit being enumerated.
3. Circle 3 for "Yes, outside this building" if there is a flush toilet outside the house or apartment being enumerated.
4. Circle 4 for "No, ventilated outhouse/privy outside the house or apartment being enumerated.
5. Circle 5 for "Other or none".