Interviewer instructions
Complete this item for all occupied housing units that have hot and cold piped water in the unit or in the building, selected for your assignment. Circle only one answer for this question.
Write the number for only one box for this question. Write the number for the response for the energy the water heater uses most. In buildings containing more than one unit you may obtain this information from the owner, manager, or janitor. The entry for this question should be the same for all units in the same structure.
1. Circle 1 for "Electricity" when electricity is used.
2. Circle 2 for "Gas" when fuel such as bottled, tank, or LP gas is used. Bottled, tank, or LP gas is stored in tanks which are refilled or exchanged when empty.
3. Circle 3 for "Solar power" when solar power is used.
4. Circle 4 for "Other fuels" for any fuel not separately listed.