Interviewer instructions
Complete this item for all occupied housing units selected for your assignment.
1. Write in the total number of rooms.
a. Count only whole rooms used for living purposes such as:
o living rooms
o dining rooms
o bedrooms
o kitchens
o finished attic or finished basement rooms
o recreation rooms and family rooms
o permanently enclosed porches suitable for year-round use
o lodger's rooms
o rooms used for offices by a person living in the unit
b. Do not count:
o bathrooms
o halls, foyers, or vestibules
o balconies or open porches
o closets
o alcoves
o pantries
o kitchenettes, or strip or pullman kitchens
o laundry, utility, or furnace rooms
o unfinished attics or unfinished basements
o other unfinished space used for storage
o offices used only by persons not living in the unit
2. A partially divided room, such as a dinette next to a kitchen or living room, is a separate room only if there is a partition from floor to ceiling, but not if the partition consists solely of shelves or cabinets.
3. If a room is used by occupants of more than one apartment, include the room with the unit from which it is most easily reached.
Question post text
Count living rooms, dining rooms, kitchens, and bedrooms, but do not count bathrooms, balconies, foyers, or halls.