Interviewer instructions
Complete this item for all occupied housing units selected for your assignment.
The "Person listed in line 1" refers to the first person listed in item 1a (page1). This person should be the household member (or one of the members) in whose name the house, apartment, or mobile home is owned, being bought, or rented. If there is no such person, any adult household member can be the person listed first on the listing item.
1. If the first person listed moved out and then moved back again, report the year of the most recent move; for example, for persons who have returned from the Armed Forces or those who have returned after completing college, enter the year they returned.
2. If the first person listed moved from one apartment to another in the same building, report the year moved into the present apartment.
3 If the first person listed lived in the same mobile home but has moved to a different location in the same or another mobile home park, report the year when the person moved to the present location.
4. If the first person listed moved into a different mobile home at the same location, space, or site within the same mobile home park, report the year when the person first moved to the location, space, or site.