Interviewer instructions
Complete this item for all occupied housing units selected for your assignment. Circle only one answer for this question.
1. Write the number of the category corresponding to the period in which original construction was completed, not the time of any later remodeling, additions, or conversions.
2. In a single-unit building, if the occupants do not know the year built, ask how old the building was when they moved in. It may be helpful to ask the occupants if the building was built before World War II. If so, circle 8 for "1939 or earlier."
3. In buildings containing more than one unit, you may obtain this information from the owner, manager, or janitor. The entry for this question should be the same for all units in the same structure.
4. For units under construction which meet the housing unit definition, that is, all exterior windows and doors and final usable floors are in place, record 1 for 2004 or 2005.
5. For a mobile home, trailer, or houseboat, record the number for the appropriate category for the model year in which it was manufactured.
6. If the period when the building was first constructed cannot be estimated, circle 9 for "Don't know."