Interviewer instructions
Complete this item for all selected occupied housing units "rented for cash rent" in your assignment. Circle only one answer for this question.
1. Write in the amount of the rent agreed to or contracted for, even if the rent is unpaid or paid by someone else.
Disregard pennies if 49 cents or less. If 50 cents or more, record the next highest dollar. For example, if the rent is $224.25, consider the rent to be $224; if the rent is $224.50, consider the rent to be $225.
2. If rent is not paid by the month, use the following table to convert the rent to a monthly rent: (Please refer to Questionnaire Reference Book in Technical Documents)
3. Report the rent agreed upon even if the rent includes furnishings, utilities, meals or services.
4. Report the rent for this unit only. The rent must apply only to this house, apartment, or mobile home. If the rent includes rent for a business unit or for living quarters occupied by another household, report that part of the total rent the respondent estimates to be for his or her unit only.
For example, a renter pays $500 monthly for a house, but he or she occupies only the unit on the first floor and rents out the other unit on the second floor. The renter estimates that the first floor unit, if rented separately, would be worth $250. Report the monthly rent for this unit as $250.
If the respondent has difficulty giving an estimated rent for his or her own unit, ask what part of the total floor space is included in his or her own living quarters and suggest that the rent be estimated on that basis.
5. Condominium fees or cooperative carrying charges - If a renter pays rent to the owner of a condominium or cooperative, and the condominium fee or cooperative carrying charge is also paid by the renter to the owner, report the combined amount.
6. Receipts from lodgers, roomers, others - Report the rent paid or scheduled to be paid to the landlord or rental agent, without deduction for any payments received from lodgers or roomers who are listed in question 1 as members of the household. Also do not deduct any part of the rent that may be paid by friends or relatives living elsewhere, or a church, agency, etc.