Value |
Category |
=Callamary-MOZ |
All spices-USDA |
Apple-MOZ |
Avocado-MOZ |
Baking powder |
Banana-MOZ |
Beans-MOZ |
Beef , bonless and no fat- Top sirloin, USDA |
Beef , bonless and no fat-Tenderloin, USDA |
Beef , bonless and no fat-sirloin, USDA |
Beef with bones and moderately fat -Briskete, USDA |
Beef, whole, moderately fat with bones(carcass)-MOZ |
Beef, Bones, no fat and no meat (10% of beef) |
Beef, Head (=Beef, with bones and moderately fat) |
Beef, Heart |
Beef, Legs (50% of beef, bones and fat) |
Beef, Liver-MOZ |
Beef, Toungue-USDA |
Beef, Tripes-USDA |
Beef, ground, regular (27% fat)-USDA |
Beef, no fat and bonless-Top sirloin, select, USDA |
Beef, with bones, no fat-MOZ |
Beer-MOZ |
Beet-MOZ |
Beverages:avg(tea+soft drink+beer+juice) |
Biscuits-USDA |
Black pepper-USDA |
Botlled Beer-MOZ |
Bread in General |
Bread in General- Moz |
Bread-MOZ |
Broken rice-USDH |
Brown sugar-MOZ |
Butter-MOZ |
Butterbeans-USDH (moz&tanz excluded, reffer to beans in general) |
By Prod. & processed. meet:avg(Saussages=231+ham=182+bacon=625) |
Cabbages-MOZ |
Cacana(Green dark leaves)-ECSA |
Callamary- MOZ |
Candies &Chewings(avg)-USDA |
Canhu nuts: avg(peanuts+cashewnuts) |
Canned Beer-MOZ |
Canned fish (avg sardine & tuna canned in oil)-MOZ |
Canned fruits: take canned pineaple |
Carrots-MOZ |
Cashew nuts-MOZ |
Cashew-Fruit-Moz |
Cassava leaves-MOZ |
Cassava, flour-MOZ |
Cassava-MOZ |
Cerelac (Infant cereals)-Babyfood, Cereal wheat, fruit, dry-USDA |
Cheddar Cheese-USDA |
Cherries- USDH |
Chicken-MOZ |
Chiken legs (5% of Chiken) |
Chili , fresh fruit(pepper, hot)-USDH |
Chili, fresh fruit(tabasco)-USDH |
Chili:avg(chili, fresh, powder and tabasco) |
Cocking vegetable oil-MOZ |
Coconut-MOZ |
Coffe, instant, powder, with chicorry-USDA |
Coffe, tea and related products: avg (tea, coffe & cocoa) |
Condensed milk, sweetened-MOZ |
Crab-MOZ |
Cream, fluid, 25% fat |
Crustaceans and Mollusks |
Cucunber-MOZ |
Curry powder-UNIV-CAl |
Deer-USDA |
Dried Beans(nhemba)-MOZ |
Dried Beans-MOZ |
Dried Cassava-MOZ |
Dried Fish-MOZ |
Dried and Canned fish: avg(dried=309+canned=282+smoked=177) |
Dried and salted prawns- TANZ |
Dried fruit; fruit, mixed, dried-USDA |
Dstilated beverage (70%) |
Duck- MOZ |
Eggplant-MOZ |
Eggs-MOZ |
Fillet fish, fat-MOZ |
Fine salt-MOZ |
Fish( avg coocked fish)-USDA |
Fish, Crust. & moll.:avg(Fish, All var/Crust. &moll/Dry prawns/Dry & can. fish |
Fish, all varieties- USDH |
Fish-Carapau-MOZ |
Fish-Moz |
Food in restaurant |
Food prepared outside;avg(all food prepared outside) |
Fresh beans (imature)-MOZ |
Fresh callamary-MOZ |
Fresh cassava-MOZ |
Fresh prawns-MOZ |
Fruits seeds: Take watermelon seeds |
Fruits: avg(all fruits,except watermelon seeds/pear/grapes/cherries/strawbarries |
Garlic-MOZ |
Gergelim-MOZ |
Gin-USDA |
Goat-MOZ |
Grain legumes:avg(all beans, except others) |
Grapefruit-MOZ |
Grapes(European type)-USDH - Moz, excluded, reffers to grapefruit |
Grasshopper-MOZ |
Green medium leaves-MOZ |
Group of producs |
Group of producs: avg(Bread=253+Cereais=297) |
Group of producs: avg(bread=253 + median of baking products=356) |
Group of products: avg(white maize=249 + rice=352 ) |
Grouper-MOZ |
Guava-MOZ |
Ham-USDA |
High quality rice-USDH |
Honey-MOZ |
Hot Beverages: Take tea |
Ice Crem (vanilla)-USDA |
Immature maize-MOZ |
Impala-USDH |
Juice (take orange juice)-USDA |
Kale-MOZ |
Lacteous products:avg(cerelac/butter/yougurt/ice cream) |
Lamb, fat and bones-MOZ |
Legume seeds: Pumpkin seeds |
Legumes:avg(all legumes, except eggplant/baterr./pump. seeds/pepper) |
Lemon-MOZ |
Lentil-MOZ |
Lettuce-MOZ |
Lobster- MOZ |
Macarroni, made from wheat-USDH |
Maheu-FAO, 1968 |
Maize flour-MOZ |
Maize-MOZ |
Mango-MOZ |
Margarine-MOZ |
Mayonnaise (salad dressing, regular with salt)-USDA) |
Meat & by products: avg(beef=257+liver=136+tripes=98+porkhead=375) |
Medium quality rice-TANZ |
Meet in general:avg(Beff=257+Chicken=95+Goat=131) |
Milk powder, whole cow-MOZ |
Milk, lact. prod. & eggs:avg(milk whole, skim, power & cond./Lact./eggs) |
Milk, whole cow-MOZ |
Milk, whole-USDA |
Millet flour-MOZ |
Millet-MOZ |
Milo, prox= to cocoa (take cocoa)-USDH |
Mineral water-MOZ |
Mollusk-MOZ |
Mollusk-USDA |
Mushrooms-ECSA |
N.A. |
NA: avg(all beans) |
Nhemba beans, leaves-MOZ |
Non-Alchoolic beverages:avg(soft drink + juice) |
Normal Wheat Flour( Baking)-MOZ |
Oats-MOZ |
Okra-TANZ |
Olive oil |
Onion-MOZ |
Orange-MOZ |
Other Fruits: avg(all fruits,except watermelon seeds/pear/grapes/cherries/strawb |
Other beans:avg(all beans, ecept chidhocomelane) |
Other cakes: take cacke-USDA |
Other leaves:avg(cacana + nhemba bean leaves) |
Other meet:avg(Saussages=231+ham=182+bacon=625) |
Other type of food consumed outside |
Papaya-MOZ |
Parboiled rice- USDH |
Parsley- take leaves, dark green- MOZ |
Pastes, all varieties, made from wheat-USDH |
Peanuts-MOZ, Dried |
Pear-USDH |
Peas(fresh)-MOZ |
Pepper-MOZ |
Pineaple-MOZ |
Pineple Marmelade( marmelade orange-USDA) |
Pork backribs, separable lean and fat-USDA |
Pork fat with bones-MOZ |
Pork saussage-USDA |
Pork, tripes-USDA |
Pork, variety of meets, by products, feet-USDA |
Portuguese saussage (=saussage) |
Potato-MOZ |
Potatos, fried or boiled (take fried-USDA) |
Poultry: Take chicken, which is the most common=83 |
Prawns-MOZ |
Pumpkin leaves-MOZ |
Pumpkin seeds-MOZ |
Pumpkin-MOZ |
Rabbit-MOZ |
Raw Snail-FAO, 1968 |
Red snapper-MOZ |
Rice, unspecified-MOZ |
Rockfish-MOZ |
Salt-MOZ |
Same as Chicken |
Sandwich: Egg & Cheese sandwich-USDA |
Sardine, canned in oil-MOZ |
Smoked fish-USDA |
Soft drink, bitlled-MOZ |
Soft drink, canned-MOZ |
Soft drink-MOZ |
Sorghum flour-TANZ |
Sorghum- MOZ |
Soup, beef broth, cubed, dry-USDA |
Soup, chicken broth, cubed, dry-USDA |
Soup, chicken vegetables mix, dry-USDA |
Spaghetti-MOZ |
Spices, in general: use all spices-USDA |
Spices, in general: use all spices-USDA (using avg spices=231) |
Spinach-USDH |
Strawbarries- USDH |
Sugar and related products:avg(sugar, white, brown, powder & sug. products) |
Sugar based products:avg(marmelade+honey+candies+gelatine) |
Sugar cane-MOZ |
Sugar, powder-USDA |
Sugar-MOZ |
Sum:10%oil=900+80%dried beans |
Sweet potato leaves-MOZ |
Sweet potato-MOZ |
Sweetened Bread, from recipe- USDA |
Take 98% of Peanuts, aply refuse rate(Fac Agr.) |
Take Pumpkin-MOZ |
Take Wild Fruits: avg(all fruits,except watermelon seeds/pear/grapes/cherries/st |
Take average tubers |
Tangerine-MOZ |
Tea,leaves-USDA |
Thik salt-MOZ |
Tomato, canned with salt-USDA |
Tomato-MOZ |
Tradicional beverage distilated from cashew fruit-USDA(all distilated 70%) |
Traditional Alchoolic Beverages: avg(all trditional beverages) |
Traditional beermade from cereals |
Traditional wine made from palm tree-USDH |
Tubers in general:avg(potato+sweet potato+cassava, dry & fresh) |
Tuna fresh-MOZ |
Turkey-MOZ |
Vinager-USDA |
Watermelon seeds-USDA |
Watermelon-MOZ |
Wheat flour-MOZ |
Wheat-MOZ |
White maize flour-USDA |
White maize-TANZ |
White sugar-MOZ |
Wild Fruit: avg(all fruits,except watermelon seeds/pear/grapes/cherries/strawbar |
Wild Fruits: avg(all fruits,except watermelon seeds/pear/grapes/cherries/strawba |
Yam-ECSA |
Yellow maize flour-USDA |
Yellow maize-TANZ |
Yougurt-USDH |
sum: 10% oil=900 +20% beef=206+ 50% Wheat flour=349 |
sum: 10% oil=900 +20% beef=206+70% potatos=57 |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.