Value |
Category |
1 |
death of household member (main bread earner) |
2 |
illness of household member |
3 |
loss of jobs of household member |
4 |
shortage of food |
5 |
drought |
6 |
flood |
7 |
big crop damage/ unusual high level of crop pests and dise |
8 |
great loss/death of livestock |
9 |
price fall |
10 |
price rise of food items |
11 |
fire |
12 |
theft/robbery |
13 |
reduce income of household member |
14 |
landslides/avalanches |
15 |
insecurity /violence |
16 |
heavy rains preventing work |
17 |
reduced drinking water quality and quantity |
18 |
involuntary loss of house/land |
19 |
other |
99 |
not stated |