Value |
Category |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
HEALTH 061+062+063 |
7 |
TRANSPORT 071+072+073 |
8 |
COMMUNICATION 081+082+083 |
9 |
RECREATION AND CULTURE 091+092+093+094+095+096 |
10 |
EDUCATION 101+102+103+104+105 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
OTHER EXPENSES 131+132+133 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
21 |
Alcohols |
22 |
Tobacco products |
23 |
Drugs |
31 |
Clothes |
32 |
Shoes |
41 |
Payments for the owners |
42 |
Contractual rent |
43 |
Maintenance of the flat or house |
44 |
Supply in water and other services related to occupancy |
45 |
Energy carriers |
51 |
Furniture and objects to furnish and decorate the flat |
52 |
Flat textile products |
53 |
Domestic appliances |
54 |
Glassware, tableware and other kitchen and home products |
55 |
Equipment and tools for home and garden |
56 |
Other home products and services related to running a household |
61 |
Medical and pharmaceutical articles, medical devices and equipment |
62 |
Out-patient services and unconventional medicine services |
63 |
Hospital and sanatorium services |
71 |
Means of transport |
72 |
Use of private means of transport |
73 |
Transport services |
81 |
Postal services |
82 |
Telecommunication equipment |
83 |
Telecommunication services |
91 |
Audiovisual, photographic and computer equipment |
92 |
Other durables related to culture and recreation |
93 |
Other equipment related to recreation, garden products and pets |
94 |
Recreation and culture services |
95 |
Newspapers, magazines, books, writing, drawing and painting materials |
96 |
Organised tourism |
101 |
Primary education including kindergarten |
102 |
Junior high-schools, basic vocational schools, secondary technical and vocational schools, general secondary schools |
103 |
Post-secondary education |
104 |
Higher education |
105 |
Education independent of education level |
111 |
Gastronomy |
112 |
Accommodation |
121 |
Personal hygiene |
122 |
Prostitution |
123 |
Other personal goods |
124 |
Social assistance |
125 |
Insurance |
126 |
Financial services not elsewhere classified |
127 |
Other services not elsewhere classified |
128 |
Pocket money |
131 |
Donations provided by the household |
132 |
Other expenses not elsewhere classified |
133 |
Expenses abroad |
141 |
Current personal income taxes |
142 |
Non-current taxes and fees |
151 |
Buildings and facilities not related to business activity |
152 |
Acquiring land for purposes not related to business activity |
153 |
Expenses for future business activity |
154 |
Other capital expenses |
161 |
Financial expenditures |
171 |
Agricultural production costs |
172 |
Other current expenditures related to a farm |
181 |
Expenditures on fixed assets used on the farm |
182 |
Financial burdens due to investments |
11111 |
Rice |
11121 |
Rye bread |
11122 |
Wheat bread |
11123 |
Mixed and other bread |
11124 |
Crackers, biscuits, wafers |
11131 |
Pasta |
11132 |
Pasta products |
11141 |
Cake products |
11142 |
Pizzas |
11151 |
Sandwiches |
11161 |
Flour |
11162 |
Groats |
11163 |
Cereals |
11164 |
Flour semi-products |
11165 |
Other cereal products |
11191 |
11192 |
11193 |
11194 |
11211 |
Beef (fresh, chilled or frozen ) |
11212 |
Veal (fresh, chilled or frozen ) |
11221 |
Pork (fresh, chilled or frozen ) |
11231 |
Mutton, goat meat (fresh, chilled or frozen ) |
11241 |
Hens, cocks, chickens (fresh, chilled or frozen ) |
11242 |
Oher poultry (fresh, chilled or frozen ) |
11251 |
High-quality cured meats and sausages |
11252 |
Poultry cured meats |
11253 |
Offal cured meats |
11254 |
Other cured meats |
11261 |
Canned meats |
11262 |
Other meats |
11263 |
Mixed meat loaf |
11271 |
Offal (fresh, chilled or frozen ) |
11272 |
Other meats |
11273 |
11274 |
11275 |
11291 |
11292 |
11311 |
Sea fish (fresh, chilled or frozen ) |
11312 |
Sweet-water fish (fresh, chilled or frozen ) |
11321 |
Crustaceans and other sea and sweet water animals (fresh, chilled or frozen ) |
11322 |
11331 |
Dried or smoked sea fish |
11332 |
Dried or smoked sweet water fish |
11333 |
Herrings and other sea fish - salted |
11341 |
Canned fish |
11342 |
Other processed food from fish, crustaceans and other sea and sweet water animals |
11391 |
11392 |
11411 |
Whole milk |
11421 |
Skimmed milk (below 3,2%) |
11431 |
Condensed and powder milk |
11441 |
Yoghurts |
11451 |
Cottage cheese |
11452 |
Processed and blue cheese |
11461 |
Cream and sweet cream |
11462 |
Milk drinks |
11463 |
milk deserts |
11471 |
Eggs |
11511 |
Butter |
11521 |
Margarine and other vegetable fats |
11531 |
Olive oil |
11541 |
Vegetable oil |
11551 |
Other animal fats |
11591 |
11611 |
Citrus fruits (fresh, chilled or frozen ) |
11621 |
Bananas (fresh, chilled or frozen ) |
11631 |
Apples (fresh, chilled or frozen ) |
11641 |
Pears (fresh, chilled or frozen ) |
11651 |
Plums (fresh, chilled or frozen ) |
11652 |
Other stone fruits (fresh, chilled or frozen ) |
11661 |
Berry fruits (fresh, chilled or frozen ) |
11671 |
Other fruits (fresh, chilled or frozen ) |
11672 |
Fruit mixes (fresh, chilled or frozen ) |
11681 |
Dried fruits |
11682 |
Nuts and edible seeds |
11691 |
Fruit preserves |
11711 |
Lettuce |
11712 |
Other stem or leaf vegetables (fresh, chilled or frozen ) |
11721 |
Cabbage (fresh, chilled or frozen) |
11722 |
Cauliflowers (fresh, chilled or frozen ) |
11731 |
Tomatoes (fresh, chilled or frozen ) |
11732 |
Cucumbers (fresh, chilled or frozen ) |
11733 |
Other vegetables with edible fruits (fresh, chilled or frozen ) |
11741 |
Beetroots (fresh, chilled or frozen ) |
11742 |
Carrot (fresh, chilled or frozen) |
11743 |
Onion (fresh, chilled or frozen) |
11744 |
Other root and bulbous vegetables (fresh, chilled or frozen ) |
11745 |
Mushrooms (fresh, chilled or frozen ) |
11751 |
Leguminous plants |
11752 |
Other vegetables and dried mushrooms |
11753 |
11761 |
Sauerkraut |
11762 |
Vegetable mixes (fresh, chilled or frozen ) |
11763 |
Other vegetable and mushroom products |
11771 |
Potatoes |
11772 |
11781 |
Other bulbous vegetables |
11782 |
Potato products |
11791 |
11811 |
Sugar |
11821 |
Jam, marmalade |
11822 |
Honey |
11831 |
Chocolate |
11841 |
Confectionary products |
11851 |
Ice-cream |
11861 |
Other confectionary products |
11891 |
11911 |
Sauces and spices |
11921 |
Salt |
11922 |
Spices and herbs |
11931 |
Food for children, dietetic food, soups, concentrates, yeast |
11941 |
Other food products |
11991 |
12111 |
Coffee |
12121 |
Tea |
12131 |
Cocoa and powder chocolate |
12211 |
Mineral or spring water |
12221 |
Other non-alcoholic beverages |
12231 |
Fruit juices |
12241 |
Vegetable juices |
12999 |
Mixed juices |
21111 |
Spirits and liquors |
21211 |
Grape or fruit wines |
21212 |
21221 |
Other alcohols |
21311 |
Beer |
22111 |
Cigarettes |
22121 |
Cigars |
22131 |
Other tobacco products |
22191 |
23111 |
Drugs |
31111 |
Apparel textiles |
31211 |
Men clothes from textiles, unwoven fabrics and knitwear |
31212 |
Leather clothes and natural furs for men |
31213 |
Men underwear |
31214 |
Men hosiery |
31221 |
Women clothes from textiles, unwoven fabrics and knitwear |
31222 |
Leather clothes and natural furs for women |
31223 |
Women underwear |
31224 |
Women hosiery |
31231 |
Children clothes from textiles, unwoven fabrics and knitwear (up to 13 years) |
31232 |
Leather clothes and natural furs for children (up to 13 years) |
31233 |
Children underwear (up to 13 years) |
31234 |
Children hosiery (up to 13 years) |
31311 |
Accessories (except leather and fur) |
31312 |
Leather and fur accessories |
31313 |
Haberdashery and textiles |
31411 |
Cleaning, dyeing, washing |
31412 |
Other clothes-related services |
32111 |
Men shoes |
32121 |
Women shoes |
32131 |
Children shoes (up to 13 years) |
32211 |
Shoe services |
41101 |
41111 |
Fee (compensation fee) for the owner or main user paid by the tenant or sub-tenant for using the first house |
41112 |
Fee (compensation fee) for the owner or main user paid by the tenant or sub-tenant for using a garage or parking lot connected to the first house |
41201 |
41211 |
Fees (compensation fees) for the owner or main user paid by the tenant or sub-tenant for using the second and other houses |
41212 |
Fees (compensation fees) for the owner or main user paid by the tenant or sub-tenant for using a garage(s) or a parking lot connected with the second and other houses |
42111 |
Contractual fees of owners of flats or houses - first house |
42211 |
Contractual fees of households living free-of-charge |
43101 |
43111 |
Materials for the maintenance of the flat or house |
43201 |
43211 |
Services related to the maintenance of the flat or house |
44101 |
44111 |
Supply in water |
44201 |
44211 |
Garbage disposal |
44301 |
44311 |
Sewage services |
44401 |
44409 |
44411 |
Costs of the board and real-estate administration - flat |
44412 |
Costs of the board and real-estate administration - garage |
44413 |
Other services related to occupancy |
45101 |
45111 |
Electric energy |
45211 |
Natural gas |
45221 |
Liquid gas |
45301 |
45311 |
Liquid fuels |
45401 |
45402 |
45403 |
45404 |
45411 |
Hard coal |
45412 |
Coke |
45413 |
Fuel wood |
45414 |
Other fule products |
45501 |
45502 |
45511 |
Hot water |
45512 |
Central heating |
51111 |
Furniture and furniture elements |
51112 |
Decorative elements |
51113 |
Light |
51211 |
Carpets and linings |
51311 |
Repair of furniture and object to furnish and decorate the flat |
52111 |
Textile products |
52112 |
Repair of textile products |
53111 |
Refrigerators, freezers |
53121 |
Appliances for washing, cleaning and drying |
53131 |
Cookers and stoves |
53132 |
Installation of cookers and stoves |
53141 |
Heating and ventilation appliances |
53142 |
Installation of heating and ventilation appliances |
53151 |
Cleaning appliances |
53161 |
Sewing machines |
53171 |
Other durables |
53211 |
Other electric equipment |
53311 |
Repair of household appliances |
54111 |
Glassware and tableware |
54121 |
Cutlery and silver |
54131 |
Kitchen products (non-electrical) |
54132 |
Other home products (non-electrical) |
54141 |
Repair of glassware, tableware and other kitchen and home products |
55111 |
Motor equipment and tools |
55112 |
Repair of motor equipment and tools |
55211 |
Other equipment, tools and accessories |
55212 |
Repair of other tools and accessories |
56111 |
Cleaning and maintenance products and tools |
56112 |
Detergents |
56121 |
Other home products |
56211 |
People employed in a household |
56221 |
Other services related to running a household |
61111 |
Pharmaceuticals |
61211 |
Other medical articles |
61311 |
Rehabilitation devices and equipment |
61312 |
Repair of rehabilitation devices and equipment |
62111 |
Medical services |
62211 |
Dentist services |
62311 |
Medical labs and X-ray services |
62321 |
Auxiliary and unconventional medical services |
62331 |
Other health-related services |
63111 |
Hospital services |
63112 |
Sanatorium services |
71111 |
New cars |
71121 |
Used cars |
71211 |
Single-track motor vehicles |
71311 |
Bicycles |
71411 |
Vehicles pulled by animals |
72111 |
Parts and accessories to means of transport |
72211 |
Petrol |
72212 |
Diesel oil |
72213 |
Liquid gas |
72214 |
Other fuels |
72215 |
Grease, oils, liquids |
72311 |
Maintenance and repair of private means of transport |
72411 |
Fee for a garage, parking lot not connected with the first or other houses |
72412 |
Other services related to using private means of transport |
73111 |
Passenger railroad transport |
73112 |
Metro and tram transport |
73211 |
City bus transport |
73212 |
Coaches and buses (except city buses) |
73213 |
Taxi transport |
73214 |
Other passenger road transport |
73311 |
Passenger air transport |
73411 |
Passenger sea and inland transport |
73511 |
Passenger mixed transport |
73611 |
Other transport services |
81111 |
Postal services |
82111 |
Telecommunication equipment |
82112 |
Repair of telecommunication equipment |
83111 |
Fee for a landline phone (without internet services) |
83112 |
Internet services (via landline phone) |
83113 |
Fee for a mobile phone |
83114 |
Other telecommunication services |
91111 |
Radios |
91112 |
Tape recorders |
91113 |
CD and MP3 recorders |
91114 |
Audio receiving, recording and playback system |
91115 |
Other equipment and accessories for audio receiving, recording and playback |
91121 |
Television set |
91122 |
Video cassette recorders and players |
91123 |
Video receiving, recording and playback system |
91124 |
Other equipment and accessories for video receiving, recording and playback |
91125 |
Installation of audiovisual equipment |
91211 |
Photographic and filmmaking equipment |
91221 |
Optical devices |
91311 |
Computers, calculators and typing machines |
91411 |
Recording carriers |
91511 |
Repair of audiovisual, photographic and computer equipment |
92111 |
Durable equipment for outdoor activities |
92211 |
Musical instruments |
92221 |
Durable equipment for indoor activities |
92311 |
Maintenance and repair of durables related to culture and recreation |
93111 |
Games, toys, hobby |
93112 |
Devotional articles |
93211 |
Sport and camping equipment for outdoor recreational activities |
93212 |
Repair of sport and camping equipment for outdoor recreational activities |
93311 |
Garden tools and products for home and garden |
93411 |
Pets and pet products |
93511 |
Vet services and other services for pets |
94111 |
Recreation and sport services |
94211 |
Theatres, cinemas, concerts |
94221 |
Museums, zoological gardens |
94231 |
Radio and television subscription fee |
94232 |
Fee for digital or cable television |
94233 |
Internet services (except phone) |
94234 |
Rental of equipment related to culture |
94241 |
Other culture-related services |
94311 |
Gambling |
95111 |
Books for educational purposes |
95112 |
Books for other purposes |
95211 |
Newspapers and magazines for educational purposes |
95212 |
Newspapers and magazines for other purposes |
95311 |
Printed materials for educational purposes |
95312 |
Printed materials for other purposes |
95411 |
Writing, drawing and painting materials for educational purposes |
95412 |
Writing, drawing and painting materials for other purposes |
96111 |
Domestic tourism |
96112 |
Foreign tourism |
96113 |
Children tourism |
101111 |
Kindergartens |
101112 |
Pre-school education |
101113 |
Primary school |
101114 |
Tuition at the level of primary school |
102111 |
Junior high schools |
102112 |
Basic vocational schools, secondary technical and vocational schools, general secondary schools |
102113 |
Tuition at the level of junior-high schools, basic vocational schools, secondary technical and vocational schools, general secondary schools |
103111 |
Post-secondary education |
103112 |
Tuition at the level of post-secondary education |
104111 |
Higher education |
104112 |
Tuition at the level of higher education |
105111 |
Professional education courses |
105112 |
Other types of education (courses) |
111111 |
Restaurants |
111121 |
Cafes, bars |
111122 |
Boarding at private houses |
111211 |
Canteens |
112111 |
Accommodation |
121111 |
Hairdressing and beauty salons |
121211 |
Electrical devices for personal hygiene |
121212 |
Repair of electrical devices for personal hygiene |
121311 |
Personal hygiene products |
121312 |
Cosmetics and perfumes |
121313 |
Other personal hygiene products |
122111 |
Prostitution |
123111 |
Jewellery, watches |
123112 |
Jeweller's and watchmaker's services |
123211 |
Travelling products and accessories |
123212 |
Repair of travelling products and accessories |
123221 |
Other personal products |
123222 |
Repair of other personal products |
124111 |
Social assistance services |
124121 |
Day care centers for children |
125211 |
Flat insurance |
125212 |
Other insurance related to occupancy |
125311 |
Health insurance |
125411 |
Transport insurance |
125511 |
Other insurance |
126211 |
Other financial services not elsewhere classified |
127111 |
State administration services |
127112 |
Legal and court services |
127113 |
Funeral and cemetery services |
127114 |
Other services not mentioned earlier |
128999 |
Pocket money |
131111 |
Expenses to support learning minors not living at home |
131112 |
Alimonies for private individuals |
131113 |
Expenses on social purposes |
131114 |
Other donations |
132111 |
Other expenses not elsewhere classified |
133111 |
Expenses abroad |
141111 |
Tax on income from permanent paid job |
141112 |
Tax from severance pay |
141121 |
Tax on income from casual paid job |
141211 |
Tax from old-age pension |
141212 |
Tax from pensions due to incapacity for work |
141221 |
Tax from unemployment benefits |
141222 |
Tax from other benefits for the unemployed |
141223 |
Tax from pre-retirement benefits and allowances |
141231 |
Tax from family pension |
141232 |
Tax from maternity benefit |
141233 |
Tax from sickness benefit |
141234 |
Tax from social pension |
141311 |
Tax from other income (current) |
141411 |
Tax from income due to ownership (current) |
142111 |
Tax from income due to ownership (non-current) |
142121 |
Tax on income from leasing land |
142122 |
Tax on income from renting buildings and facilities not related to business activity |
142131 |
Tax from alimonies from private individuals |
142132 |
Tax from other income (non-current) |
142141 |
Tax from income from selling used consumer goods |
142151 |
Tax on income from selling buildings and facilities not related to business activity |
142152 |
Tax from income from selling land not related to business activity |
142153 |
Tax from income form selling assets left after closing business activity |
142211 |
Extra payment to personal income tax |
142311 |
Real estate tax |
142411 |
Duties and taxes related to import |
142511 |
Tax on inheritance and donations |
142512 |
Permanent land usufruct fee |
142513 |
Other taxes and fees |
142611 |
Contribution to social insurance paid individually by household members |
151111 |
Acquiring buildings and facilities for purposes not related to business activity |
151211 |
Materials for construction, reconstruction, expansion, renovation and modernization of buildings and facilities not related to business activity |
151221 |
Services related to construction, reconstruction, expansion, renovation and modernization of buildings and facilities not related to business activity |
151222 |
Repair fund |
152111 |
Acquiring land for purposes not related to business activity |
153111 |
Expenses for future business activity |
154111 |
Other capital expenses |
161111 |
Repayment of loans and mortgages (with interest) |
161112 |
Repayment of loans and credits raised with banks by credit card (with interest) |
161113 |
Repayment of other loans and credits raised with banks (with interest ) |
161121 |
Repayment of loans and credits raised with other institutions (with interest ) |
161131 |
Repayment of loans raised with private individuals (with interest) |
161211 |
Loans granted to private individuals |
161311 |
Deposits paid to building societies |
161312 |
Other deposits paid to banks |
161321 |
Deposits paid to other institutions |
161322 |
Prepayment, deposits |
161331 |
Life insurance contributions |
161341 |
Purchase of securities |
171111 |
Current expenditures on agricultural farm |
171121 |
Fuel |
171122 |
Electric energy |
171123 |
Natural gas |
171124 |
Liquid gas |
171125 |
Petrol |
171126 |
Diesel oil |
171127 |
Other fuels |
171128 |
Water |
171131 |
Materials and services related to maintenance of fixed assets |
171132 |
171133 |
171134 |
171141 |
171142 |
171151 |
171152 |
171153 |
171211 |
Gross salary of paid workers |
171212 |
171311 |
171411 |
Insurance contributions on the farm |
172111 |
Taxes and other fees related to running a farm |
172112 |
172121 |
172131 |
172132 |
172134 |
172211 |
Contribution to farmer's social insurance |
172311 |
Donations provided by the farm |
181111 |
Investment expenditures on the farm |
181112 |
181121 |
181122 |
181131 |
181132 |
181141 |
181142 |
181211 |
182111 |
Financial burdens due to investments |