Interviewer instructions
For household members age 4 and above, ask ED1-ED8:
Circle the code for the level of school, and enter the household member's current grade. If it applies, circle '8' for 'DK' ('Doesn't know'). Enter the highest grade number completed using '01', '02', etc. If a child is in preschool or kindergarten, and grades are not used, leave grade blank, and skip to ED7.
If the interview is conducted during the time between two school years, the question should refer to the school year that has ended, and you should use 'that' and 'was' in the question. If the interview is conducted during the school year, the question should refer to the current school year. Note that these questions should capture children who may have been attending at the beginning of the school year, but have dropped out since then. If necessary, past tense could be used to make sure that you obtain information on the level and grade of children who may have dropped out from school during the course of the school year.