Interviewer instructions
For household members age 4 and above, ask ED1-ED8:
Circle '1' if the answer is 'Yes' and continue with question ED4A. If the answer is 'No', circle '2' and go to the household member on the next line.
The term 'school' includes primary, secondary and post-secondary schooling, as well as any other intermediate levels of schooling in the formal school system. It also includes technical or vocational training beyond the primary-school level, such as long-term courses in mechanics or secretarial work.
Schools that carry out non-standard curriculum (non-formal education) are not included here. A non-standard curriculum includes religious schools, such as Koranic schools, that do not teach a full, standard school curriculum. If a school teaches religious courses but also includes the standard curriculum - such as many Catholic schools - it would be coded as a standard (formal) school.
'Preschool' is listed for children who do not attend grade 1, but do attend some form of organized learning or early childhood education programme, whether or not such a programme is considered part of the school system. The definition of organized early learning programme does not refer to programmes offering only babysitting or child-minding.