Income was collected in categories rather than single rand amounts to increase the response rate and to obtain more accurate data.
Respondents could choose to think of income in terms of weekly, monthly or annual amounts. The census questionnaire gave the following instructions: ‘Think of the past year (1 October 1995 to 30 September 1996) and the money each person received. Please indicate each person’s income category before tax. … Include all sources of income, for example, housing loan subsidies, bonuses, allowances such as car allowances and investment income. If the person receives a pension or disability grant, please include this amount.’ The income asked for therefore included both income earned from work and other income.
This question was asked of all persons, whether working or not at the time of the census. However, for many purposes, users may want to restrict this to all persons aged 15 years or older, or all employed persons. Individual income was used in the derivation of a crude estimate of household income. See the section on household income for more detail. Household income is presented in annual amounts.