For Census ’96, each person should have been enumerated where they stayed on Census Night (the night of 9-10 October 1996). However, for some purposes, users may be more interested in where each person usually lived at the time of the census as some people may have been absent from their usual residence temporarily when enumerated. This information was obtained through the question ‘Is this dwelling the place where the person usually lives, i.e. where the person spends at least four nights per week?’
A response of ‘No usual address’ was included. This response was included for people who did not have a permanent place of residence at the time of the census, such as homeless people. However, other people, such as people who moved regularly for work and had no home base, may also have selected this response.
The question on usual residence had two parts. The first determined whether or not the person was enumerated at their usual residence while the second recorded the location of the usual residence. This variable, Place of usual residence, contains the results of the first part of the question.