Literal question
How often do you watch television: almost daily, at least once a week, fewer than once a week or do not watch at all?
Interviewer instructions
A television (TV) is a stand-alone device capable of receiving broadcast television signals, using popular access means such as over-the-air, cable and satellite. However, a respondent watching television broadcasts via the internet or with other means should still be considered as watching television, like other respondents who may be using regular TV sets, as long as she is accessing TV broadcasts.
Circle the code corresponding to the response given. As with MT2 and MT3, the purpose is to get an idea of how much exposure the respondent has to influences outside her place of residence, this time through television broadcasts. It does not matter who owns the television or what program she watches. Read the entire question. If the respondent watches television on a computer, for instance, this would still count as watching television, since the intention is to capture exposure to television broadcasts.