Interviewer instructions
The purpose of this question is to make sure that we have not missed any of the respondent's own births. Ask the respondent whether there were any live births that may have occurred between the two births. For example, a respondent tells you that Mohamed was born in 2001 and Ahmad was born in 2004. Ask BH10: “Were there any other live births between the birth of Mohamed and Ahmad?”
If the woman tells you there was a birth after Mohamed and before Ahmad, circle '1' in BH10 and add that birth to the end of the birth history. Draw an arrow showing the birth's proper location, correct the birth order numbers in BH1, and ask BH2-BH10 for that birth. You may also have to correct the information in CM3-CM11. If, however, the woman tells you there was no birth between Mohamed and Ahmad, circle '2' in BH10. Then proceed with BH3 for the next birth (or go to BH11 if Ahmad was the last birth).