Interviewer instructions
Probe to ensure that the response refers to the relationship at the time of sexual intercourse. If the person is 'girlfriend', ask: "Were you living together as if married?" If 'Yes', circle '2' for 'Cohabiting partner'. If 'No', circle '3' for 'Girlfriend' and skip to MS7.
Note that we are interested in the relationship of the man with the person mentioned at the time they last engaged in sexual intercourse. For example, if a man's last partner was a girlfriend he was living with at the time, you would record 'Cohabiting partner' even though they are no longer living together. They were living together at the time of the sexual encounter. Record the status of the relationship that existed at the time the two people last had sexual intercourse. It is most important to determine whether or not the sexual partner was someone the respondent was living with at the time they last had sexual intercourse.