Interviewer instructions
I. Geographic location and location of the dwelling
In this section we define the location of each and every one of the dwelling that will be enumerated.
A) The enumerator will transfer to the forms the complete names and codes that are found detailed in the briefcase that contains the Census materials for the enumeration segment and which refer to: department, municipality, supervision area and Census section.
B) To note the name of the locality, you will find out the name in the place where you are carrying out the enumeration, since it could be that you are located in a locality that has boundary conflicts or that has changed its name. If there was a change of name, you will have among your control forms one that is called "List of localities", on which you should write the actual name and the previous name.
I. Geographic localization and location of the dwelling
Supervision area
Census section
Dwelling number within the section
Neighborhood or village
Exact address
The information for 1, 2, 4, and 5, should be noted on the forms before you arrive to do the interview. As for the information for numerals 3, 6, 7, and 8, you will obtain it from the dwelling itself; they will be completed in the following manner: