Value |
Category |
0 |
Not working |
1 |
Army |
11 |
Law |
12 |
Government |
13 |
Project managers in Gov And Public sector |
14 |
Project managers in private sector |
15 |
Other department managers |
16 |
Technical managers |
17 |
General managers |
18 |
General managers in private sevtor |
21 |
Specialists in physical science |
22 |
Specialists in mathematics, statistics |
23 |
Engineers |
24 |
Specialists in natural science |
25 |
Doctors |
26 |
Teachers |
29 |
Technician |
31 |
Technician in physical science |
32 |
Technician in mathematics, statistics |
33 |
Technician in engineering |
34 |
Technician in natural science |
35 |
Assistant doctors |
36 |
Assistant teachers |
39 |
Brokers, Insurace, commissary |
41 |
Secertary |
42 |
Accounting clerks |
43 |
Statistical clerks |
44 |
Tellers, telephone operator, tourism clerks |
45 |
House wife |
46 |
Don't work |
47 |
Retired |
48 |
Student |
49 |
Other clerical jobs |
51 |
Services |
52 |
Police |
53 |
Sales people |
54 |
Soldier in army |
61 |
Farmer in his land |
62 |
Farmers |
63 |
Hunters |
64 |
Selling Sheep |
70 |
Production supervisor |
71 |
Workers in mines |
72 |
Colnstruction workers |
73 |
Mechanical, sanitation, electricity workers |
74 |
Workers in maintenance |
75 |
Typography workers |
79 |
Food and beverage, furniture, knitting, shoes workers |
81 |
Worker in socket, electric equipment |
82 |
Workers in factories |
83 |
Drivers and machinery |
85 |
Unspecified jobs |
86 |
Looking for job |
87 |
Didn't tell their job |
91 |
Small jobs |
92 |
Normal transportation workers |
96 |
Other |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.