Value |
Category |
004070005 |
018070007 |
020140003 |
025013101 |
027100005 |
028060002 |
029090001 |
032050001 |
033150001 |
033290008 |
034020007 |
037170001 |
038140003 |
038140006 |
041130002 |
044234101 |
045250001 |
045300002 |
046100004 |
056090001 |
058140001 |
058170001 |
059070006 |
062130002 |
064200006 |
064230002 |
106150006 |
115140002 |
116300001 |
127060001 |
127160002 |
128110001 |
141190006 |
143040003 |
143050003 |
145040001 |
148060001 |
161190003 |
162070003 |
162100001 |
163080001 |
164150001 |
165240002 |
173200006 |
174170003 |
183030005 |
193080002 |
201070001 |
204080005 |
207140002 |
208060001 |
218160003 |
228300001 |
232040001 |
235010001 |
235060001 |
237160001 |
242090004 |
254130001 |
275140007 |
278070001 |
298240002 |
308183101 |
310160008 |
317110001 |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.