Value |
Category |
0 |
18 Yerars Old Poor Women |
Active Poor Women |
Adult poor wonen |
Age 18-50 |
Age Group18-56 |
All Piople |
All citizen of Bangladesh |
Child |
Children |
Children & gurdian |
Children security |
Day Labour |
Disable |
Distressed Women |
Divoeced |
Divorced |
Dropout from school |
Efficient Labourer |
Extrem Poor |
Extremly Poor |
Extrim Poor |
Fisher Man |
Floating poor |
General People |
Hard poor |
Hard poor women |
Hardeore Poor |
Helpless Women |
Helpsless children |
Labourer |
Land Below 100 Dec. |
Land Less |
Land Less people |
Land less |
Land less women |
Landlesas |
Landless |
Landless & Marginal |
Landless Family |
Landless Farmer |
Landless People |
Landless Women |
LandlessPeople |
Landsles |
Landsless |
Les than .5 Dc. Land |
Les than 5 dc land |
Lower middle class |
Marginal Farmer |
Marginal Farner |
Marginal Land owners |
Marginal Poor |
Marginal Poor Women |
Married poor women |
Menthly income 2000/- |
Middle Class Women |
Owner of less tjan .5 dc |
Pageant Women |
Petient of T.B and Leprosy |
Poor |
Poor Community |
Poor Family |
Poor Hill Men |
Poor Jum Farmer |
Poor Man |
Poor Man/Women |
Poor Marred Women |
Poor Men |
Poor Men & Women |
Poor Peope |
Poor People |
Poor Women |
Poor Womwn |
Poor and Landless |
Poor energitic women |
Poor male |
Poor man/Women |
Poor people |
Poor women |
Poor women group |
Poor women/man |
Poorest |
Poorest Women |
Poorest of the poor & poor |
Por |
Poverty |
Slum People |
Small Businessman |
Smlla income |
Street Children |
Those who passes less then .50 land |
Tribal People |
Ultra Poor Level |
Vegetable and fruit |
Very Poor |
Very Poor people |
Widow |
Women |
Women possess les than .5 |
Wonem |
Working Children |
poor |
poor People |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.