Value | Category |
0 | |
Ability to pay loan | |
Active | |
Assurance of repayment of loan | |
Attend in weekly meeting | |
Attendance in meeting | |
Dependent & Successful business man | |
Discipline | |
Distinguished Women | |
Distressed Women | |
Envelopment in the group social work | |
Experience of Training | |
Field worker Opinion | |
Financial statement | |
Group Member | |
Individual Visit | |
Literacy | |
Loan Repayment | |
Loan is properly used | |
Monitoring | |
Parmanant Residence in the village | |
Payment Capacity | |
Payment of Loan | |
Permanent Residence | |
Permanent Resident | |
Permanently Settled | |
Personal Discussion | |
Project Visit | |
Regular Attendance | |
Regular Attendenc | |
Regular Payment | |
Regular Presence in group meeting | |
Regular Transaction | |
Regularity | |
Solvent Person | |
Sowings | |
Thana Federation | |
To be come group member | |
Training | |
Weekly attented in group meeting |