Value |
Category |
0 |
Benefit for the Community |
Bring every child in capture of education and remove illiteracy |
Education |
For quick development and poverty eradication |
For the improvement of society |
Reduced poverty |
Social Decelopment |
Socio Economic Dev. |
Socio Economic Dev. Of the group |
Socio Economic Development |
Socio- Economic Dev |
Socio- Economic Devlopment |
Socio- Economic Devlopment of CBO |
Technical Support |
To Eradicate Poverty Rapidly |
To Improve ability |
To Improve economic condition, To empower the poor people |
To Improve the Society |
To Improve the work |
To Reduce Poverty |
To ensure Safety Drinking water and Sanitation |
To give service of society |
To impreve our country |
To increase a awareness |