Farming activities include cultivating, sharecropping, forestry, raising livestock, bee-keeping, fishing and hunting.
If INDUSTRY_1=1 then code as 1 (YES).
If INDUSTRY_1=2 to 10 then code as 0 (No)
If INDUSTRY_1 variable is missing or 11 (unspecified) , code EMPFRM_1 on the basis of all information available in any section of the survey.
Individuals identified in household non-agricultural enterprises should be coded as 0(No). These individuals may have missing values for INDUSTRY_1, if the industry information of the enterprise was not available. Similarly heads of households owning non-agricultural enterprises should be coded as 0 (NO).
As far as possible, EMPFRM_1 should be coded for all individuals coded as 1 to 9 in EMPTYPE_WB_1. Less than one percent of missing values are allowed for EMPFRM_1 if EMPTYPE_WB_1 has a meaningful value (i.e. NOT 99(missing)).