Value | Category |
1 | Forming person. finan. targets and drawing a per. finan plan |
2 | What to do not to get up to one’s neck in debt using credit |
3 | How to plan purc. of dur and eval. one’s abiliti to imp them |
4 | Pens. scheme and available met. to secure one’s old age inc |
5 | Bank serv.– curr accounts, sav. depos. and debit credit card |
6 | Mode of use from internet, mobile banking services |
7 | Consumer credits to purchase goods and services |
8 | Mortgage loans |
9 | Insurance and insurance products |
10 | Capital markets and stock |
11 | Inf on finan serv, interpr the infor and diff. the inform. |
12 | What par. are used to comp the serv off. by band and ot com |
13 | V cons. rig. prot laws and m. to be d in c of v. these righ |
14 | What in is im for a us. sign a con with bank or ot. fin comp |
15 | I am not interested in any of such topics |
98 | I find it difficult to answer this question |