Literal question
Section 7: Union status and fertility
(Female age 14 and older who are not full-time students at a primary or secondary school)
7.13. Is the baby / are the babies still alive?
[] Yes (go to Question 8.1)
[] No
[] Not stated
7.14. How many have died? _ _
[] Not stated
If not stated, record "99".
Interviewer instructions
Section 7 - Union Status and Fertility
5.76 General
This section is comprised of Question 7.1 - 7.14 and the information is to be completed only for females 14 years or older who are not attending primary or secondary school full-time. Part-time students at these schools as well as students of tertiary institutions are eligible for
answering these questions.
The questions in this section can be seen to be of a very personal nature and you must assure the respondent that this type of information is very crucial to population planning as they provide very useful indicators of family formation and population growth.
5.81 General
Questions 7.6 - 7.14 are related to the number of live born children a woman has had. These questions are to be asked only of women under 65
years old. Some women might tend to exclude children who were born alive but subsequently died. These children are not to be excluded from the count. A live birth is the product of a pregnancy which shows some form of life after expulsion even if it dies a few minutes after.
5.88 Questions 7.13- 7.14, Number of Infant Deaths
These questions relate to the live births occurring in the past twelve months and seek to determine if any and how many of these have died. If none of the children have died, score '00'.