Literal question
3.5. To which religious group do you / does [the respondent] belong?
[] Anglican
[] Baptist
[] Brethren
[] Church of God
[] Jehovah's Witness
[] Methodist
[] Moravian
[] Pentecostal
[] Rastafarian/Ethiopian Orthodox
[] Roman Catholic
[] Seventh Day Adventist
[] United Church
[] Disciples of Christ
[] None
[] Other (specify) _____
[] Not stated
Interviewer instructions
Section 3 - Characteristics
Questions 3.1 - 3.10 which comprise Section 3 provide some basic characteristics about the individual and are to be answered for all members of the household.
5.41 Question 3.5 Religious Group
Denominations with the greater congregations are listed. If the individual belongs to one of those specified, mark the relevant position. Score 'None' for those individuals who indicate that they do not belong to any denomination and 'Not Stated' for those for whom the information cannot be obtained. Where a religious group given is not one of those listed, score 'Other' and write the name on the line.