Value |
Category |
1 |
raw materials |
2 |
commidity bought for sale |
3 |
water |
4 |
electricity |
5 |
fuel and oil |
6 |
packaging meterial |
7 |
telegram/mail/telephone |
8 |
rent/maintenance and equipment repairs |
9 |
rent of facilities |
10 |
transportiation |
11 |
facilities repairs and maintenance |
12 |
interest paid |
13 |
employees cash pay |
14 |
employees in kind pay |
15 |
direct tax |
16 |
other expenses |
17 |
resale of goods |
18 |
private consumption of produced goods |
19 |
cash earning on services |
20 |
private consumption of produced services |
24 |
what's % of this property is owned by hh from this activit |
211 |
number of paid employees(owners) |
212 |
number of paid employees(family members) |
213 |
number of paid employees(other) |
221 |
number of non-paid employees(owners) |
222 |
number of non-paid employees(family members) |
223 |
number of non-paid employees(other) |
231 |
seasonal employees(employees no.) |
232 |
seasonal employees(days no.) |