Value |
Category |
-9 |
Don't know |
-8 |
Refused |
-5 |
Not Applicable |
-3 |
Missing |
50 |
60 |
70 |
80 |
100 |
130 |
150 |
169.239318847656 |
200 |
210 |
211.594146728516 |
250 |
300 |
350 |
381.485076904297 |
400 |
409.594512939453 |
420 |
450 |
500 |
550 |
555.858215332031 |
600 |
700 |
800 |
883.540771484375 |
1000 |
1170 |
1200 |
1300 |
1375.26965332031 |
1400 |
1500 |
1736.90295410156 |
1800 |
1862.41125488281 |
2000 |
2151.78344726563 |
2200 |
2228.08154296875 |
2250 |
2300 |
2453.5556640625 |
2500 |
2550 |
2600 |
2700 |
3000 |
3500 |
4000 |
4100 |
4400 |
4636.408203125 |
4800 |
5000 |
5300 |
7000 |
7500 |
8000 |
8334.7568359375 |
10000 |
12000 |
14000 |
40000 |
Sysmiss |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.