Value |
Category |
0 |
2 |
3 |
5 |
8 |
A Week Person |
A leg was swelled because of a wound |
Active |
Answers were not clear |
Cannot understand the Situation |
Difficult |
Disabled person |
Drug Addicated Person |
Gastric Patient |
Good |
Good Respond For Visiters |
Good Responded |
Good Respondent |
Good co-operation for the Servey |
Have hearing problems |
Lence on a one Eye |
Memory power is weak. |
NO |
No |
No Helth Facilities |
No Latering |
Not Good |
Patient |
Peridiocal pains in the knee |
Person's mental health is not normal |
Pregnant |
Principal gave clear answers |
Qusestions from 7501-7520 are lost |
Respondent was not much well |
Satisfaction |
Satisfy |
She can't walk due to operation |
Student |
Succesful |
Successful |
Successful Ended |
Sucesfull |
Sucessful |
Suffering from a knee trouble |
no |
successfull |
sucesful |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.