Value |
Category |
0 |
101 military hospital |
103 hospital |
103 militaly hospital |
103 military hospital |
106 hospital |
106 nospital |
150 hospital |
150 mittaphap hospital |
160 hospital |
20 beds hospital |
20beds hospital |
5health center |
Atsaphone district hospital |
Bortene hospital District |
D hongsa hospital |
D khop hospital |
D mahaxay hospital |
D xaybuathong hospital |
D xienghone hospital |
District Sepon hospital |
Donetan hospital |
Friendship hospital |
Hospital provincial |
Kenthao hospital District |
Khammoune hospital |
Lanprabang province hospital |
MCH hospital |
Mahosot hospital |
Mahosoth hospital |
Mother and child hospital |
Namhone Hospital |
Paklay district hospital |
Parkem Health Center |
Pharkkhem health center |
Provincial hospital |
Proviucial hospital |
Sauannakhf prouincinal hoshitel |
Xiengkhor district hospital |
add district hospital |
adsaphangthong district hospital |
atsaphangthong district hospital |
atsaphone district hospital |
atsphangthong district hospital |
attapeu provincial hospital |
bachieng district hospital |
banphay health centre |
banthub health center |
beungkan hospital thailand |
bokeo proviaial hospital |
bokeo province hospital |
bokeo provincial hospital |
bolikhamxay hospital |
bolikhamxay provincial hospital |
borikhamsay provincial hospital |
borikhamxay provice hospital |
borikhamxay province hospital |
borikhamxay provincial hospital |
borikhaxay province hospital |
botane district hospital |
bounneua district hospital |
champarack pnoviacal horpital |
champasach provincal hospital |
champasack district hosapital |
champasack district hospital |
champasack hospital |
champasack hospital prpvinu |
champasack phovincai hospitl |
champasack provical hospital |
champasack provinal hospital |
champasack provincal hospital |
champasack province hospital |
champasack provincial hos[ital |
champasack provincial hospital |
champasack provinice hospital |
champasakdistristricthospital |
champasauk district hospital |
champasaukprouinchospital |
champasaukprovinehospital |
champhone district hospital |
chanpasack provincial hospital |
chansavang haelth center |
chansavang haelth centre |
chansavang health centre |
clinic |
clinic nokphadoae |
darkchung distric hospital |
darkchung district hospital |
dermatologycontrolcenter |
distcrict hospital |
distnrct hospital |
distrct health office |
distric kasy hospital |
district hospita |
district hospital |
district hospital atsaphangthong |
district hospitat |
district phoun hospital |
distriet hospital |
distrit horpital |
don' t know |
feung district hospital |
feung district hospitol |
friendship hospital |
hadxaifong district hospital |
hagnom health center |
health center |
health centre |
helth centre |
hinboun district hospital |
hinboun hospital |
hinheub district hospital |
hittaphab horpital |
hom district hospital |
hongsa district hospital |
hospflal km20 |
hospital |
hospital 103 |
hospital 109 |
hospital 150 |
hospital district ngoy |
hospital kaleum district |
houaikhoualuang health center |
houameuang district hospital |
houaphanh provincial hospital |
houn clisct hoshital |
houn district hospital |
houndistrict horpital |
houphanhprovinceal hospital |
house visit |
houykhoualuang health center |
hundred and twenty hospital |
kaleum district hospital |
kaleum hospital district |
kasy district |
kasy district hospital |
kasy hospital district |
kengdeng neath cener |
kham district hospital |
khammouan provincial hospital |
khammouane hospital |
khammouane provicial hospital |
khammouane province hospital |
khammouane provincial hospital |
khammuane province hospital |
khammuane provinec hospital |
khang district hospital |
khanhthabuly district hospital |
kheenak health center |
khong district hospital |
khongsedol disteshital |
khongsedol district hospital |
khongxedone dirtict health centre |
khoun district hospital |
lack 20 hospital |
lakhoupheug distaict hoshital |
lakxao district hospital |
lakxao hospital |
lao-mongol friendship hospital |
laongam district hospital |
laongam hospital |
laongarm hospital |
laongarm hospkital |
lathgnai health centre |
llilitairy hopital |
long district hospital |
louangprabang provincial hospital |
luangnamtha provincal hospital |
luangnamtha provincat hospital |
luangnamtha province hospital |
luangnamtha provincial hospital |
luangnamtha provine hospital |
luangnamtra provine hospital |
luangngpubangilop |
luangphabang hoapitai |
luangphabang hospital |
luangphabang ltospial |
luangphahang tfosital |
luangprabang district hospital |
luangprabang hospital |
luangprabang province hospital |
luangprabang provincial hospital |
luangprabang provinec hospital |
luangprabaug provinaial hospital |
luangtubang |
luc district hospital (thailand) |
lungphabmgltospital |
mahoset hospital |
mahosod hospital |
mahosod hospitat |
mahosol hospital |
mahosot hospital |
mahosot hospital |
mahosoth hospital |
mahosrod hospital |
malitary hospital 103 |
mat disteict hospital |
mat district hospital |
matdistricthospital |
meung district hospital |
mihitairy hospital 101 |
militaily hospital 103 |
militairu honpilal |
militairy hopitaal |
militairy hopital 103 |
militairy horpital 103 |
militairy hospital 103 |
militaity hospital 103 |
military hospital |
military hospital 103 |
militay 5 hospital |
millitary hospital |
missing |
mittaphap hospital |
mohosot hospital |
mongol kiengkhahg hospital |
mother and child hospital |
nakhonphanom hospital ( thailand ) |
nalae district hospital |
nalae hospital |
nalao health center |
nambak district hospital |
namdone health center |
nampang hospital |
napa clinic |
nasaad hospital |
navang health center |
naxaithong district |
naxaithong district hospital |
ngeun district hospital |
ngeun district hospital |
ngommalat district hospital |
nhommalat district hospital |
no |
no have |
none |
nongbok district hospital |
nonghad district hospital |
nongtair health ccnter |
nongtair health centcr |
nongtair heatthccnter |
not hospital |
orthopedic and rehabilitation center |
oudomxaay prrouiucial uopitap |
oudomxay provincial hospital |
outhoumphone district hospital |
paklay district hospital |
paksan hospital |
pakxanh district hospital |
pakxong district hospital |
parbeua health center |
parksanh district hospital |
parlai district hospital |
parsanh hospital |
pathoumphone district hospital |
phalanxai district hospital |
phalanxai hospital |
phalanxay dist hospifal |
phalanxay dist hospital |
pharmacy |
phaxay district hospital |
phien district hospital |
phin district hospital |
phonehong district hospital |
phongsaly provincial hospital |
phonhong district hospital |
phonhong hospital |
phonhong provincial hospital |
phonhthong district hospital |
phonthong district hospital |
phoun district hospital |
police hospital 109 |
police's hospital 109 |
private clinic |
prouinaial hospital |
prouincal hosptae |
provical hospital |
provicial hospital |
provimcial hospital |
provin cial hospital |
provinaiat hospital |
provincal hospitai |
provincal hospital |
provincal hpspital |
provincdhospital |
provincial hospital |
provincial hhosppital |
provincial horpital |
provincial hospital |
provincial hospiteil |
provincial hostpital |
provincial provin |
provincial sayaboury hospital |
saisetha district hospital |
sakone |
samneua friend ship hospital |
samtay district hospital |
sanasomboun disyrict hospital |
sansai district hospital |
saravan hospital |
saravan provincial aohtl |
saravan provincial hospital |
saravanh hospital |
sarlan provincial hifal |
sathathirath hospital |
savannakhet hospital |
savannakhet pvovinncial horpital |
savannakheth provincial hospital |
sayaboury district hospital |
sayaboury provincial hospital |
saysetha district hospital |
saysettha district hospital |
saysomboun special hospital |
saythani |
saythani district hospital |
sekong provincial hospital |
sekong hospital |
sekong provice hospital |
sekong province hospital |
sekong provincial hospital |
sekong provinec hospital |
sethathilat hospital |
sethathirat hospital |
settathirath hopital |
settha hospital |
setthathilad |
setthathilat hospital |
setthathilath hospital |
setthathirat hospital |
setthathirath hospital |
setthatilat hospital |
setththirath hospital |
sikhottabong distrct hospital |
sikhottabong district hospital |
sing ddistrict hospital |
sing district hospital |
sing district hosptal |
sisattanak hospital |
songkhone district hospital |
soukhouma district hospital |
sythons |
taleo health center |
taleo heatth center |
tambeng health center |
thagone hospital |
thailand |
thailand hospital |
thakhek district hospital |
thateng district hospital |
thoulakhom dirtrict horpita |
thoulakhom dirtrict horpital |
toumlan district hospital |
vangvieng hospital |
vanhkham |
vappy district hoapital |
vapy district hoapital |
vapy district hospital |
vatthana hospital (thailand) |
viengken hospital |
viengtiane perovincial hospital |
viengxay district hospital |
viengxay hospital |
vientiane provincial hospital |
vietnam |
vietnames triendship hospital |
xanakham district hopital |
xanakham district hospital |
xayabouly provinec hospital |
xebangfay district hospital |
xienghon district |
xienghon hospital |
xiengkhouang provincial hospital |
xiengkhuang province hospital |
xiengkhuang district hospital |
xiengkhuang province hospital |
xiengsen hospital |
xonbuly district hospital |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.