Value |
Category |
146.350006103516 |
268.353210449219 |
313.826965332031 |
444.550048828125 |
446.714996337891 |
469.606048583984 |
491.090179443359 |
525.200012207031 |
762.195373535156 |
779.199645996094 |
797.25 |
853.354553222656 |
936.786376953125 |
1017.07257080078 |
1022.24615478516 |
1155.66027832031 |
1312.09997558594 |
1400.28332519531 |
1433.98498535156 |
1505.12121582031 |
1586.09997558594 |
1656.53332519531 |
1679.83337402344 |
1717.25354003906 |
1762.18957519531 |
1935.7060546875 |
2067.93725585938 |
2151.232421875 |
2391.740234375 |
2480.36157226562 |
2558.78784179688 |
2706.58862304688 |
2719.39404296875 |
3048.60717773438 |
3313.17504882812 |
3472.42529296875 |
3722.87890625 |
4246.26123046875 |
5214.5498046875 |
6328.91650390625 |
6576.17041015625 |
7142.85693359375 |
7683.5 |
7898.91650390625 |
10024 |
11190 |
13880 |
15288.4619140625 |
25275.45703125 |
40101.71875 |
151738.171875 |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.