Interviewer instructions
Ask how the family usually received the remittance during the six-month period.
There are five choices for the mode of remittance. These are:
1 Bank - this refers to remittances received through the banking system, whether private or government.
2 Agency/Local Office - agency refers to the recruitment agency that processed the recruitment papers of the overseas Filipinos. The local office, on the other hand, is that of an International shipping company is usually utilized by seamen in sending their remittances to their families.
3 Friends/Co-workers - money is sent through friends or co-workers who have returned home.
4 Door-to-door - this is the common name for couriers or offices that personally deliver packages including cash at the doorsteps of the HH.
5 Others - if the remittance was sent through means other than those specified above, such as through mail, postal money order, etc., enter code 5 and specify the method. Examples are Western Union, Smart Padala and others.